This blog is dedicated to the development of Micromax Bolt a58 (mt6572,ubifs). This blog contains Custom ROMs, recoveries, boot logos, boot animations and other guides for Micromax a58.For more support and discussions, join our fb group-

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

On 09:30 by Unknown in    3 comments

1.Download mobile uncle tools, install it as a system app. [latest version is not working ,infact many versions are not working 2 flash recovery on a58 via uncle tools..

2.Download recovery.img recovery in root of ur sd card.[means don't put it in any folder] uncle tools >>Grant permission >>click on flash recovery.

5.Thats it ,u hv flashed ctr recovery via uncle tools.


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  2. The recory is downloading properly so need a new link pls send it
